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How To Turn Damaged Hair Into Healthy Hair

How To Turn Damaged Hair Into Healthy Hair
Turn Damaged Hair into Healthy Hair

Dry hair looks dull and crumbly and is easily damaged. Replenish your hair with nutrients to make your hair soft and shiny.


Developing Healthy Habits


Wash and Dry your Hair Carefully

 Dry hair is fragile. If you treat your fragile hair roughly, the ends of your hair can crack and break. Think of it as a soft fabric that requires careful handling of your hair when washing and drying hair. So don't rub, pull, or twist your head.

When shampooing, do not rub your hair excessively, use your fingertips to lightly shampoo.

Rinse the shampoo off with cool or lukewarm water; Hot water can damage dry hair further. Rinse the conditioner with cool water to close the cuticles well.

After rinsing your hair, gently wring it away instead of twisting it. Then, pat your head with a towel to wipe off any remaining moisture.


Use Less Shampoo

 If you frequently wipe off the oil naturally produced by the scalp with shampoo, your hair will dry out and nutrients will not be properly replenished. Washing your dry hair with shampoo every day will make your hair drier and dull because there is no room for oil to remain on your hair. Shampoo should only be used 2-3 times a week so that the oil on the scalp can nourish your hair.

If you reduce the number of shampoos you use initially, your hair will look oily. This is because the scalp is used to producing more oil to compensate for the oil washed away by shampooing. After 1-2 weeks, the scalp is re-balanced, so even if you wash your hair for a few days, your hair doesn't look messy.

If your hair roots look oily, dry shampoo may be a good alternative.



Dry Your Hair in a Natural Breeze

 If you had to use a hairdryer, now let your hair dry enough to let it air dry. If the hot air from a hairdryer hits dry hair, it's not good for your hair. Using a hairdryer can make your hair look shiny, but in fact, the heat damages your hair, causing it to crack and break over time.

The first time you start air-drying your hair, you won't be happy with the results. However, if you keep repeating it over time, you will have natural hair that shines beautifully after a month or so.

If you need to style with a hairdryer (on special days), set the dryer to warm or cool air and use it at least 10 cm away from your hair. When using a dryer, use heat protection products to minimize hair damage.


Use a Comb Instead of a Brush

The hairbrush is a lot of damage to the hair because it passes by digging through the tangled hair. Using a brush on dry hair that can break easily can make your hair look frizzy and rough, so try using a wide-toothed comb instead when your hair gets wet. The hair is less irritated and it does not break easily

If you have tangled hair, first loosen all the tangled parts by moving slowly from the tip of the hair to the root of the hair. If you comb straight from the root of the hair, you can break your hair.

You can also use your fingers to gently loosen your tangled hair. Apply conditioner to tangled hair and loosen it while rubbing it.


Avoid Damaging your Hair by Irritating it

Irritations such as the use of a curling iron, perm, or dye can damage long-term hair in just one shot. Even if you want to turn your dry hair back into healthy hair, you won't be able to recover your natural shiny hair unless you stop these stimuli. Stop the following stimuli.


Use styling products that use heat, such as curling irons, hot rollers, and rod irons.


Dyeing, bleaching, bridging (try using natural alternatives.

Make a Homemade Hair Mask

 If you want to revitalize your hair and reduce frizz, make a homemade hair mask, and use it right before the shampoo step. Wet your hair in the shower and apply a mask. Then, rinse your hair with shampoo. Here are some of the ingredients you can use for a homemade hair mask:


  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 banana or avocado, mashed
  • 2 tbsp plain yogurt
  • 1 loose egg
  • Mixing the above ingredients as you please
  • Applying finishing oil to protect your hair

 Applying oil to your very dry hair will prevent the hair from becoming crumbly. After squeezing the oil into a size of 10 won, apply it around the tip of the hair using your fingers. It is better to avoid the hair roots. Try the following oils:


  • Argan oil
  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Jojoba oil


Using a Pig Hairbrush

 We don't recommend using a brush, except for the pig hairbrush. The pig hairbrush is made of natural hair similar to the texture of human hair and serves to deliver the natural oil of the scalp to the ends of the hair without damaging the hair. Use it when your hair is very dry:


Wait until the day before shampooing to allow enough oil to accumulate, then brush your hair.

Comb the tangled hair with a wide-toothed comb.

Brush your hair from the scalp to the ends of your hair, then brush one area several times before moving to another.

Comb several times until you've brushed all of your hair sufficiently. By the time you're done, your hair should have been much softer. Wait 1-2 hours before washing your hair with shampoo.


Growing Healthy Hair

Massage Your Scalp

 Massaging the scalp promotes the blood supply around the hair so that the hair grows well. Get in the habit of doing a scalp massage every time you wash your hair with shampoo. Rub the scalp while drawing a round circle with your fingertips. Massage the entire head.

Scalp massage can also help reduce stress and relieve headaches.

If you want to maximize the effect, try an oil massage. After massaging the scalp with coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, etc., wash your hair and rinse it off.


Using Natural Hair Products

 Commercially available products contain many materials that are far from healthy hair. Shampoos, conditioners, and styling products may be the culprit for making your hair dry and looser than usual. Try changing to natural products and avoiding products that contain harmful ingredients, such as:

Sulphate: An ingredient found in shampoos and other cleansers, which takes away the natural oils and makes your hair dry.


Silicone: An ingredient in the conditioner that accumulates on the hair, making the hair dull over time.

Alcohol: Found in styling products, it dries your hair.

Keep your hair healthy through food.

 The food and drink we consume also greatly influence our hair health. If you want to have beautiful hair, it's important to supply enough nutrients to your body. Let's cultivate the following habits to grow healthy hair

Eat a lot of foods rich in nutrients that help your hair. Try to get a lot of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and iron, and eat foods like salmon, sardines, nuts, avocados, and flaxseeds.

Replenishing enough moisture can prevent drying out of your hair.

Do not smoke. Tobacco damages your hair.


Protect Your Hair From the Sun.

 Like your skin, spending a lot of time in the sun without any protective equipment can burn your hair. If you intend to invest a ton of energy in the sun, cover your hair.

Wear a cap to shield your head from the sun.

When swimming, wear a swimming cap to protect your head from chemicals.

In cold weather, wear a warm hat to protect your hair from the cold and dry wind.


Trim Your Hair Often

 If you follow the methods outlined above, healthy hair will begin to grow. If you trim your hair every two to three months, you can cut off the ends of damaged, dry hair. After a few months, only beautiful, newly grown hair will remain instead of damaged hair.


·        Mix white vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio and rinse before shampooing to get shiny hair.

 ·        Leave it on for a few minutes after applying the conditioner, then rinse it off.
 ·        Sulfates make your curls drier, so if you have curly hair, use a sulfate-free shampoo.
 ·        Avoid using products that apply heat every day, such as curling irons, hairdryers, and stick irons.
 ·        Use a conditioner that doesn't need to be washed off, or apply a regular conditioner to the ends of your dry hair and leave it there. It's a good idea to use a conditioner that doesn't contain silicone. It may be difficult to find, so search the Internet for a silicone-free conditioner.
 ·        Try trimming your hair at a good hair shop and ask if you can deep condition it.

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