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How To Get Pink Lips Naturally


How To Get Pink Lips Naturally
How To Get Pink Lips Naturally

Pretty pink lips are especially attractive points for girls and women. However, many women worry about their dry, dull lips that look bad and feel bad. If you are struggling with such a problem, there is no need to worry! You just need to pay a little bit of affection and attention to your lips. Let's find out how to make pretty pink lips in a short time!

Exfoliate with a toothbrush

The best way to get naturally pink lips is to regularly exfoliate your lips with a toothbrush.

You just need to moisten a soft toothbrush in water and gently rub your lips in small circles.

When you exfoliate with a toothbrush and promote blood circulation, your lips become soft and pink.


Use a Lip Scrub

Another way to exfoliate your lips is to make a sugar scrub at home.

Mix 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of organic coconut oil with 2 tablespoons of coarse white or brown sugar.

Apply a little scrub to your lips and rub gently for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Then, wash it off with warm water.


Completely remove makeup at night

Leaving your lip makeup untouched overnight will dry your lips and even discolor your lips.

Before going to bed, remove the lipstick and lip liner with an effective makeup remover or cleanser. Must be erased.

When the makeup remover runs out, put a little olive oil or almond oil on a cotton pad and wipe off the lipstick or lip liner.


Using a Lip Balm with Sunscreen

Exposure to the sun can dry your lips, burn them, and even fade your lips. To prevent this, always apply a lip balm containing sunscreen to protect your lips in places where the sun shines, such as on the beach or ski resorts.

 No smoking.

 Cigarettes can color your lips and make your lips look dull and dark. A sure way to make your lips look pretty is to quit smoking. It is difficult to quit smoking, but it is good for your lips and lungs.


How To Get Pink Lips through NaturallyNatural Remedy”


Pomegranate Seeds

One of the popular home remedies is to brighten dark lips and give them a rose-like pink hue.

Grind pomegranate seeds. Mix ground pomegranate seeds with cold milk cream and apply to lips.

If you want your lips to gradually turn pink, you need to repeat the process a few times a week.

Pack made with turmeric and milk.

 Make a pack by adding a drop of cold milk to 1 a teaspoon of turmeric (famous Indian spice) powder. It is said to be effective in returning discolored lip color and creating healthy pink lips.

Apply the pack to your lips, let it sit for 5 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.

If you pack it every day for a week, you'll feel better without knowing it.


Beet Juice

 Beet juice is a natural lip colorant that temporarily dyes the lips bright red.

It is said that applying beet juice regularly is effective in making dark lips lighter and brighter.

If the smell doesn't bother you, you can also use raw or pickled beets to juice.

A lip mask made from raspberry.

Crush two fresh raspberries and mix 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel to create a moisturizing mask that creates pink lips.

Apply the lip mask to your lips, let it sit for 5 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.

Then apply a lip balm.


Mashed Rose Petals.

  The crushed rose petals naturally turn your lips into a rose color! To color your lips beautifully pink, simply rub freshly crushed red or pink rose petals on your lips.


Apply Mustard Oil to your Belly Button.

  It may sound strange, but it is said that as one of the traditional folk remedies if you apply a little mustard oil to your belly button at night, your lips will naturally soften and turn pink. There is nothing bad about trying.


How To Get Pink Lips through “Cosmetic Use”

 Choose a lipstick color and a lip liner that matches it.

  After choosing the color you like the most from the pink lipstick, choose the lip liner that is closest to that color.


Use a Lip Liner

  After drawing along the original lip line with a lip liner, spread the lip liner toward the middle of the lips with your finger. Take special care when drawing the tip of the lips and the peaks of the lips.

 Apply Lipstick

Apply the lipstick so that it doesn't stick out of your lips. If the lipstick sticks out due to trembling hands, you can apply a more neat application with a lip brush. Tap your lips with a tissue. Put a clean tissue between your lips. And close your lips. This way you can get rid of excess lipstick.


Apply Transparent Lip Gloss or Lip Balm

Lip gloss or lip balm wraps the lipstick to add shine and moisturize the lips.

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